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What Are Alcohol Screenings?

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a tragically common occurrence. According to...

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What Kinds of Therapies Does Olympus Offer?

If you’re struggling with an addiction or mental health issue, then seeking treatment is essential. With the proper treatment, you can begin to feel like yourself again. Mental health ...

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Are Rates of Suicide Higher Among Those With Bipolar Disorder?

Nearly 3% of Americans are affected by bipolar disorder, according to data from the National Institute of Mental Health. Dramatic mood episodes from manic highs to ...

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What Are the 10 Triggers of Relapse?

Veronica Holyfield was in the recovery process for almost a year when she made the decision to have one drink with dinner. Four hours later, she was blacked out and o...

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Traumatic Grief Therapy: Definition, Techniques, and Efficacy

Across the world, approximately 120 people die each minute. The causes of these deaths are diverse. From lengthy battles with illnesses and natural causes to freak accidents and drug ov...

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