
Ambien — the brand name for the drug zolpidem — remains in the body for drug abuse detection for a relatively short timeframe compared to other medications. The detection time for Ambien is thought to be as little as 24-48 hours, depending on the dose and the type of drug test performed. Below, you’ll learn the more detailed answer to the question, “how long does Ambien stay in your system?”

Of course, the only way for Ambien not to remain in the body is to not use the drug at all. In this guide, you’ll learn the dangers of Ambien use and abuse, the different types of treatment options available, and the process of seeking treatment if you or a loved one becomes addicted to this medication. 

How Long Does Ambien Stay in Your System for Urine Tests?

As just mentioned, the detection window for Ambien in the body depends on the dosage and type of drug test performed. 

Urine analysis is the most common type of test for drug detection. Also called a urine drug screen (UDS), it involves analyzing a sample of urine for the presence of certain substances.

The detection time in urine for therapeutic doses of Ambien is believed to be around 24-48 hours. That means a urine test taken on Wednesday morning may not show any Ambien in the system if someone took a small dose of the drug on Monday morning. However, an overdose or poisoning of Ambien will likely increase this detection window.

How Long Does Ambien Stay in Your System for Blood and Hair Tests?

Someone might need to take another type of drug test other than urine analysis for employment or legal reasons or when entertaining a drug treatment program. The next most common drug tests after urine analysis are blood tests and hair tests. 

If someone needs to take a blood test for drug detection, a medical professional will draw a small amount of blood from their vein and send the blood sample off for testing. Like other types of sedative/hypnotic drugs, Ambien can show up in a blood test for several hours after dosing. Someone who takes a therapeutic dose of Ambien might have a smaller detection window in a blood test than someone who regularly abuses the drug. 

How long does Ambien stay in your system for hair tests? These tests can show Ambien in the system for much longer than urine and blood analysis. Many drugs are carried from the blood to the hair follicles, so taking a sample of the hair from its root can show Ambien usage for weeks to months after dosing. Someone who takes a therapeutic dose of Ambien might have a smaller detection window in a hair test than someone who regularly abuses the drug. 

In short, Ambien detection time in the body depends on the dosage and the drug test performed:

  • Urine test: 24-48 hours+
  • Blood test: Several hours
  • Hair test: Weeks-months

How the body reacts to Ambien can also influence the answer to the question, “How long does Ambien stay in your system?” Other factors that might influence detection time include:

  • The person’s weight/height
  • Age
  • Metabolism
  • Liver function
  • Kidney function
  • How much water the person consumed between dosing and the drug test

The only to stop Ambien from showing on a drug test is to not use the drug anymore. However, this can be difficult for someone who becomes physically dependent on Ambien. 

Is Ambien Dangerous?

Now you know the answer to the question, “How long does Ambien stay in your system?” it’s time to learn more about this drug. 

Ambien is a prescription medication for insomnia. It slows down activity in your brain so you can fall asleep. Like many other prescription medications, Ambien can be highly addictive, especially when taken over a long period. Tapering off the drug can reduce the risk of physical dependence and withdrawal. 

Some of the withdrawal symptoms associated with Ambien include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Heart palpations
  • Panic attacks
  • Cravings for more of the drug

Someone who develops a physical dependence on Ambien might want to continue taking the drug to avoid the withdrawal symptoms listed above. However, this can result in a long-term addiction that might impact their social relationships and other elements of their life. That person might buy Ambien on the black market — or seek an alternative to Ambien — when their doctor stops their prescription. 

If you or a loved one develops an addiction to Ambien, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible. Working with a reputable treatment center like Olympus Recovery provides someone who has become physically dependent on this drug with the support and resources they need to overcome their addiction and live a life free from Ambien. Call (888) 727-1063.

What Treatment Options Are Available for Ambien Use/Abuse?

If someone who takes Ambien is concerned about the drug showing up on a drug test, it means that person needs to quit. A physician can help someone taper off their medication over weeks or months. However, those who have become physically dependent on the drug will need to review different treatment options for Ambien use or abuse to prevent them from relapsing in the future. The best treatment options will also address the person’s mental health to discover why they developed an addiction to Ambien in the first place. 

The process of seeking help for Ambien use/abuse might involve researching rehab centers specializing in this drug that allow someone with an Ambien addiction to wean off the medication in a safe environment with the help of qualified professionals. Researching treatment costs — and how to pay for treatment — is also imperative when seeking help. 

Various treatment types can help someone who develops a dependency on Ambien. These therapies include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Experiential Therapy
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Once someone commits to treatment, they should prepare for their road to recovery. The person should continue to communicate with loved ones throughout the process and learn how to manage any setbacks or challenges they might encounter. Like any addiction, physical dependence on Ambien can be incredibly difficult. However, it can happen to anyone and should never be stigmatized, especially when someone is willing to get the help they deserve.  

It’s also imperative that someone who seeks treatment for Ambien use or abuse realizes they are not the first person to experience this issue, nor will they be the last. At Olympus Recovery, thousands of brave people have overcome their problems and enjoy lives free from addiction. One previous patient says:

“Olympus helped me in so many ways, and I am glad I got to go there. I can still see the difference it made. To the staff and everybody that made it happen, thank you. I highly recommend this place.”

How Long Does Ambien Stay in Your System? Final Word

How long Ambien stays in the body for drug detection depends on the dosage and the type of test performed. Urine and blood tests can typically detect Ambien in the system for several hours to a few days. Hair tests, however, can show Ambien for weeks to months after someone has taken the medication. The only way to stop Ambien from showing up on a drug test is to stop taking it. That might involve tapering off the medication with a physician’s help or seeking treatment options at a reputable rehabilitation center. 

Have you become dependent on Ambien? Perhaps you know someone who has. Whatever your back story, Olympus Recovery can lead you in the right direction. This trauma-focused addiction treatment center in Delray Beach, Florida, has decades of experience in substance use and abuse disorders and provides a unique, life-changing experience for everyone who walks through its doors. Call (888) 727-1063 to learn more. 


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