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At Olympus Recovery, a premier treatment center in Delray Beach, Florida, we focus on PTSD and addiction treatment in Delray Beach, providing personalized, holistic care in a supportive setting. This helps individuals dealing with the dual diagnosis of traumatic stress disorder PTSD and substance use disorders reclaim their lives from drug or alcohol addiction and mental health challenges.

Understanding the Link Between PTSD and Substance Abuse

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and substance abuse often occur together as co-occurring disorders. Individuals suffering from PTSD may use alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism, seeking solace from their PTSD symptoms. Conversely, substance abuse can exacerbate PTSD symptoms, leading to a challenging cycle that is difficult to break.

The disruptions caused by habitual substance use can alter the brain’s ability to manage emotions and stress, intensifying PTSD and other mental health conditions. Additionally, the isolation, shame, and stress that frequently accompany PTSD can result in increased dependency on substances for psychological relief. Recognizing this interconnectedness is vital for effective mental health treatment, as focusing solely on one issue may result in partial recovery and an increased risk of relapse.

Healing Veterans who suffers from PTSD at Olympus Recovery in Delray Beach, FL

Why Choose Olympus Recovery for PTSD and Addiction Treatment in Delray Beach?

Olympus Recovery excels in dual diagnosis treatment, ensuring that recovery addresses both the psychological impacts of traumatic events and substance abuse disorders. Our skilled team creates individualized treatment plans focusing on the entire individual, not just the symptoms. Located in the heart of Delray Beach, FL, our addiction treatment center offers a supportive community and expert care that encourages healing and long-term recovery. We are devoted to using evidence-based therapies in a caring, patient-focused environment.

Our PTSD and Addiction Treatment Program in Delray Beach, FL

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) at Olympus Recovery offers a balanced yet dynamic treatment setting to deliver intensive care for PTSD and substance abuse treatment without the need for full-time hospitalization. This program is perfectly suited for individuals transitioning from inpatient care or those needing more substantial support than what is typically offered through outpatient services in Delray Beach.

The PHP includes several hours of clinical treatment daily, five to seven days a week, tailored to the individual’s needs. The foundation of our PHP involves a mix of individual therapy, group sessions, and family counseling, which are essential for addressing the root causes of PTSD trauma and substance abuse disorders. Patients will participate in various therapeutic techniques, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing, and wellness activities that promote physical health. We ensure your treatment plan is comprehensive, providing everything needed for enduring sobriety, especially for patients who require medication-assisted treatment.

Specialized Therapies and Services

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) at Olympus Recovery is crucial to our therapeutic offerings. It helps patients identify and modify detrimental thought patterns that fuel their substance addiction and psychological issues. CBT is particularly effective for addressing the psychological components of disorders, teaching patients strategies to challenge distorted thoughts and alter behaviors. This therapy equips individuals with the skills needed to handle stress, tackle PTSD, and implement relapse prevention strategies, making it an essential part of our comprehensive treatment approach.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) at Olympus Recovery is tailored for clients dealing with both substance abuse and intense emotional instability typical of psychological disorders. This therapy focuses on four key skills: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. DBT is invaluable for individuals prone to self-destructive behaviors or those who have previously struggled with managing intense emotions. Through DBT, clients develop strong skills that enhance emotional stability and improve their interpersonal relationships, addressing the complexities inherent in their recovery journey.

EMDR Therapy

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy is employed at Olympus Recovery to assist clients who have undergone traumatic experiences that contribute to their substance use and psychological disorders. By processing these traumas in a controlled, safe setting, EMDR therapy significantly reduces the psychological stressors tied to past events, facilitating deep and lasting recovery. This technique is crucial for those whose addiction is connected to previous trauma, aiding their progress toward healing.

Experiential Therapy

Experiential Therapy at Olympus Recovery involves activities that enable clients to express and explore concealed emotions and conflicts. This therapy incorporates creative and physical tasks such as role-playing, arts and crafts, music therapy, and more. Through these activities, clients connect more deeply with their inner selves through direct experience beyond traditional talk therapy alone. These activities are fundamental in helping individuals uncover and address the underlying issues related to their addiction and mental health, promoting personal growth and recovery.

First Responder and Veteran Care

At Olympus Recovery, we recognize that first responders, police officers, and military veterans possess distinct experiences and face unique challenges. Our First Responder Program and Veteran Treatment Programs are specifically designed to address the particular mental health conditions and substance abuse issues prevalent among these groups, including emergency personnel and corrections officers. The program combines specialized therapies and support groups focusing on stress management, trauma-related issues, and resilience building, ensuring that those who serve our communities receive the dedicated support they need.

Holistic Healing and Community Support

Our holistic approach at Olympus Recovery, a leading addiction and mental health treatment center, extends beyond traditional therapy; it includes nutrition, physical health, and community engagement. We support the whole person—mind, body, and spirit. Our programs incorporate nutrition guidance, fitness routines, and community-building activities that enhance well-being. This comprehensive approach ensures recovery continues beyond our facility, supporting lifelong health and sobriety.

A person in need of PTSD and addiction treatment speaking with someone at Olympus Recovery about using their insurance coverage for treatment

Your Insurance May Cover the Cost of Treatment

Navigating the financial aspects of treatment can be daunting. At Olympus Recovery, we believe that financial barriers should not prevent anyone from receiving high-quality care for substance abuse and mental health disorders. We collaborate with various insurance providers to make dual diagnosis treatment more accessible and cost-effective.

Understanding your insurance coverage can greatly simplify the process of beginning the necessary treatment. Olympus Recovery accepts most major insurance plans, and our knowledgeable staff is ready to assist you in understanding and maximizing your benefits. We manage the verification process quickly and discreetly, allowing you to concentrate on your recovery without added stress.

Verify Your Insurance Coverage Today

Start Your Journey Toward Recovery Today

Are you ready to begin your path to recovery from drug and alcohol addiction and PTSD in Delray Beach, Florida? At Olympus Recovery, a mental health and drug rehab in Delray Beach, we are committed to supporting you every step towards achieving mental health and sobriety. Contact us today to schedule a personalized consultation with one of our experts. Our caring team will discuss your unique needs, explore various treatment options, and devise a customized treatment plan.

Start a new journey!

For immediate help call us confidentially at (866) 305-7134. Our admissions specialists can answer all your questions, and put you on the road to recovery.