
Trauma-Focused Rehab for Paramedics

There are some jobs that you simply can’t leave at the office. These are jobs that haunt you. Jobs that stay with you. Jobs that leave you with memories that you can’t forget, no matter how hard you try.

Chief among those jobs is being a paramedic. There is no question that serving in this field is a noble calling that thousands of individuals find deeply satisfying and rewarding. Unfortunately, these jobs can also scar individuals and leave them turning to drugs and alcohol. First responders are particularly vulnerable to these challenges. According to a 2020 study in the Journal of Paramedic Medicine, paramedics have very high levels of post-traumatic stress. This PTSD, in turn, is believed to contribute to the development of numerous types of addictions, an increase in mental illness, and a degraded quality of life.

Simply put, first responders and paramedics often need customized interventions and treatment plans that account for what they deal with in their line of work. Their profession — including the regular events they face and the culture they experience with co workers — means they will endure different symptoms and require other forms of intervention that may not be appropriate for the general population.

Olympus Treatment Center has developed specific trauma-focused rehab for paramedics. We understand the difficulties paramedics and other first responders face, and our treatment center can help these brave individuals get their lives back on track. 

Addressing Numerous Substance Use Disorders

Substance abuse comes in many different forms and can cause major damage to your mental health, career prospects, family life, and more. Fortunately, as we know from experience, individuals who work in emergency medical services can recover from substance use disorder or mental illness. However, this recovery rarely happens on its own. Instead, a paramedic must find a treatment program that knows their needs. 

At Olympus Treatment Center, we provide rehab for paramedics who suffer from substance abuse disorders, certain co occurring disorders, and more. The specific types of substance abuse disorders we treat include:

  • Alcohol abuse, including binge drinking or other disorders associated with alcohol consumption 
  • Opioids
  • Meth
  • Heroin
  • Cocaine
  • Fentanyl
  • Prescription drug abuse

Comprehensive and Customized Care

As leaders in treating substance abuse disorders, we understand that each client requires a specific, customized, and personalized treatment plan. Nowhere is this more clear than dealing with the trauma of paramedics who work to save lives, then struggle with drug or alcohol abuse on their own. As such, we offer rehab for paramedics that will provide these heroes with the substance abuse treatment they deserve.

Our help comes in numerous forms that are designed to adjust to the unique circumstances of our clients. For example, we offer a Partial Hospitalization Program designed for individuals who need intensive care but can still remain at home. We also offer an Intensive Outpatient Program that places fewer demands on someone’s time but still requires that they attend an intensive treatment regimen.

Finally, our facilities give paramedics the opportunity to participate in numerous treatment plans, including:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Weekly contact with family members to provide updates and stay in touch with loved ones
  • 12-step programs, such as Alcoholics Annonymous or Narcotics Annonymous
  • Medication management
  • Case management

In many cases, we have found that clients benefit from physical exercise and getting outdoors. As such, we have paddle boarding that can be used by individuals who are currently in our treatment facility. 

We also can offer assistance with co occurring disorders, such as substance abuse and mental health issues, although we focus on substance abuse treatment. However, we also understand that addiction and mental illness often strike paramedics and other EMS providers simultaneously. As such, we use evidence based practices to ensure that we are giving the best possible treatment.

Finally, we understand that unique circumstances may impact paramedics or others within the first responder community. As such, we can work with individuals at our facility to provide them with legal and career services to help them get their life back on track. We also understand that the full treatment process often goes beyond when clients leave our treatment center. As such, we have an alumni program that follows up with clients, offering them support, checking in with them, and ensuring they can access all the help they need. 

Addressing Trauma

The unfortunate truth is that first responders experience more traumatic events than most of us would ever even dream of dealing with. As part of an emergency response role, paramedics often see accidents, deaths, and the worst of humanity. These deeply traumatic experiences can lead to problems with drinking, suicidal thoughts, and more.

First responders, police officers, paramedics, volunteer firefighters, and others who deal with public safety often develop post traumatic stress disorder at higher rates than the general population. This explains why it is often necessary to treat trauma alongside drug or alcohol use and misuse. Traumas faced by first responders may include:

  • Seeing brutal acts of violence or carelessness that lead to extreme injury or death
  • Being the victim of an act of violence by a patient who was not of sound mind
  • Treating an individual who they later turned out to know, such as a family member or friend

In addition to the therapy we provide for numerous substance use disorders, we have developed specialized therapy meant to address trauma at its root and help paramedics deal with these traumatic events. By addressing the root cause of their distress, we believe we can help paramedics and first responders deal with their alcohol issues. 

Call Olympus Recovery to Get the Care You Need

At Olympus Recovery, we know that rehab for paramedics is only a step away. We understand the specific challenges you face, have developed the skills and accreditations that allow us to give you the treatment you deserve, and understand the trauma your career and subsequent addiction can cause. More to the point, we know how to ensure that first responders can achieve long term sobriety and can help them find the support they need. 

Rehab for paramedics is only a phone call away: Contact us today by visiting our website or calling (866) 305-7134.


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For immediate help call us confidentially at (866) 305-7134. Our admissions specialists can answer all your questions, and put you on the road to recovery.