
First responders are tasked with responding to medical emergencies, crime scenes, disasters, and potentially life-or-death situations that most would avoid entirely. As a result, these individuals pay a steep mental health price, which sometimes results in substance abuse as a coping mechanism to deal with the job stress.

When this happens, it’s imperative to have first responder care that addresses the unique needs of this population. Olympus Recovery proudly offers a first responder rehab in Delray Beach Florida, a treatment service designed specifically for military veterans and first responders to treat mental health issues and co-occurring disorders.

While each client has unique experiences that led to their substance abuse, many veterans and first responders face similar mental health conditions and challenges, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Our addiction treatment for first responders in Delray Beach, FL, gives these clients a better chance at successful recovery with treatments tailored to their needs within a small group setting.

If you or a loved one are experiencing PTSD symptoms and struggling with substance use, get in touch with our Delray Beach, FL first responder rehab. Call (866) 305-7134 or fill out our contact form today.

Treating Trauma in First Responder Rehab

Emergency personnel responding to a car accident, showing that trauma treatment for first responders is necessary to help responders overcome the mental health impact of stressful situations

First responders contend with a significant amount of trauma almost daily. This is one of the reasons mental health concerns, substance use, and dual diagnosis are so prevalent among professionals like police officers, paramedics, EMTs, firefighters, and correctional officers. The stress may extend to their relationships with family members and their own mental state.

The traumatic events first responders are exposed to include events and situations most people would never encounter in one lifetime. These experiences can be overwhelming and contribute to distressing mental health symptoms and breakdowns that extend into all areas of life.

Types of Traumatic Events Addressed in First Responder Treatment

Specialized rehab for law enforcement officers, emergency medical personnel, firefighters, police officers, corrections officers, health care professionals, military personnel, and other first responders addresses some of the trauma of overcoming addiction.

Helping with behavioral health and addiction might include therapy to address the following:

  • Exposure to impersonal events, such as disasters or accidents
  • Interpersonal trauma, such as acts of violence or abuse committed by other people
  • Identity trauma, such as violence committed against people because of their age, race, gender, religion, culture, ethnicity, or sexual identity

For first responders, complex and community trauma may also be addressed in inpatient, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient treatment programs. This is imperative as it helps deal with the post-traumatic stress disorder that fellow first responders often have in common from working in high-stress professions. These techniques are employed in an intensive outpatient program and specially designed components that address underlying mental illness.

How Does First Responder Care Differ From Other Treatments?

One of the reasons it’s best to seek a treatment process customized for first responders is because of the personalized approach. Our first responder rehab in Delray Beach provides a safe place for first responders to recover from mental health issues and addiction. Evidence-based practices include the following:

  • Trauma management
  • Anger management
  • Medical Detox (off-site) with clinical management
  • Stress and anxiety resources
  • Rebuilding family relationships

The goal of any treatment plan is complete, long-term recovery. During the treatment process, clients often feel reassurance knowing they’re walking the journey with others like themselves.

Our first responder care treatment construct combines behavioral and mental health treatments to achieve lasting recovery. Upon completing the therapy, patients can access additional resources to help manage stress and ensure their ongoing overall wellness.

Effective Treatment For First Responders Addresses Recovery Barriers

A law enforcement officer dealing with alcohol addiction speaking with a therapist during individual therapy at a first responder addiction treatment center in Delray Beach, FL

Another reason it’s helpful to seek customized mental health and substance abuse disorder treatment specific to first responders is that unique barriers in place for these folks can hinder recovery.

For instance, many first responders experience overwhelming guilt about breaking public trust and letting down coworkers. Mental health treatment administered alongside addiction treatment can help resolve some of these challenges to make recovery more successful.

Mental health professionals who are well-versed in assisting this population can offer medication management and other coping techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with the rigors of the work.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Helps With Returning to Duty

Returning to duty is another challenge many first responders face in their substance use recovery journey. Those who must work within the confines of drinking culture, which is often touted as a form of camaraderie, represent another factor for many.

Evidence-based addiction and mental health treatment can help with this. For instance, police officers sometimes spend time together outside work, unwinding after a long shift and having a few drinks, which can be a frequent activity. Our addiction treatment care considers these nuances to help first responders figure out how to reconcile the professional culture they’re part of with their sober journey.

Call Olympus Recovery to Join Our First Responder Addiction Treatment Care

A first responder with co-occurring post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorder speaking with a therapist at a first responder addiction treatment program to address his drug abuse and mental health disorder

First responders often put their physical and mental health on the line to protect and serve. However, when they develop unhealthy coping strategies such as substance abuse as a result, they deserve specialized care. Mental health treatment can go a long way toward helping control some of the stress of the job. Meanwhile, substance abuse treatment can teach some more effective coping strategies for job pressures.

The Help For Our Heroes program here at our first responder rehab center in Delray Beach, FL has successfully treated many people with stressful, heroic jobs like yours. The first step may be the hardest, but we’re here to help you every step of the way. Contact us here or call us at (866) 305-7134 to learn more about our first responder care.


Start a new journey!

For immediate help call us confidentially at (866) 305-7134. Our admissions specialists can answer all your questions, and put you on the road to recovery.