
Contact Us Today at (866) 305-7134 to Begin Your Path to Recovery

At Olympus Recovery, a leading Delray Beach drug rehab and mental health center, we understand the complex relationship between mental health issues like major depression and substance abuse. Our dedicated team provides comprehensive, individualized treatment for depression and substance abuse in a serene therapeutic environment, helping you or your loved one reclaim life from addiction and mental health struggles.

Young adult male with hands on his face suffering from depression

Understanding the Connection Between Depression and Addiction

Depression and addiction often coexist in a complex relationship known as dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders. Individuals struggling with depression may turn to alcohol or drugs as a way to self-medicate, seeking temporary relief from their mental distress. Conversely, the use of substances can exacerbate or even trigger depressive episodes, creating a cyclical pattern that can be challenging to break.

The chemical imbalances caused by regular substance use can affect the brain’s ability to regulate mood and stress, further deepening depression. Similarly, the isolation, guilt, and stress that often accompany depression can increase reliance on substances for emotional escape. Understanding this interconnection is crucial for effective treatment, as addressing only one issue often leads to incomplete recovery and a higher risk of relapse.

At Olympus Recovery, our treatment programs are designed to address both depression and addiction treatment simultaneously, providing a comprehensive approach that enhances the chances for a successful recovery and a healthier, more stable future.

Why Choose Olympus Recovery?

Olympus Recovery specializes in dual diagnosis treatment, recognizing that effective recovery addresses both mental health disorders and substance abuse together. Our experienced staff crafts personalized care plans that treat the whole person, not just the symptoms. In the heart of Delray Beach, you’ll find a supportive community and expert care that fosters healing and long-term recovery in our addiction treatment center. We are committed to utilizing evidence-based therapies in a compassionate, patient-centered environment.

Our team includes highly trained professionals who bring experience and empathy to their practice, ensuring that each patient receives the best care tailored to their needs. We also emphasize family involvement as a crucial component of recovery, offering family therapy sessions that help rebuild trust and mend relationships. At Olympus Recovery, we provide more than just treatment; we offer a pathway to a new life, empowering our clients to achieve and maintain sobriety and improved mental health.

Our Treatment Program for Depression and Addiction

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) at Olympus Recovery offers a structured yet flexible treatment environment to provide intensive care without needing full-time hospitalization. This program is an ideal transition stage for individuals moving from inpatient treatment or those requiring more comprehensive support than typically available through Delray Beach outpatient services.

The PHP includes several hours of clinical treatment daily, five to seven days a week, depending on the individual’s needs. The core of our PHP involves a combination of individual therapy, group sessions, and family counseling, which are crucial for addressing the underlying causes of depression and substance abuse. Patients will engage in various therapeutic modalities, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing, and wellness activities promoting physical health. We guarantee that your treatment plan encompasses all necessary components for achieving long-term sobriety, with a particular focus on individuals requiring medication-assisted treatment.

By participating in our PHP, clients gain the skills necessary to manage their mental health and substance use disorders while maintaining the ability to engage with their community and daily life. The balance of intensive care and personal freedom helps individuals build resilience and independence, which is vital for long-term recovery.

Specialized Therapies and Mental Health Services

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) at Olympus Recovery is a foundational element of our treatment modalities. It aids patients in recognizing and altering harmful thought patterns that fuel their addiction and mental health issues. CBT is particularly effective in addressing the psychological aspects of disorders, teaching patients techniques to challenge distorted cognitions and change behaviors. This therapy provides the tools necessary for handling stress, overcoming major depression, and implementing relapse prevention, making it a critical component of our comprehensive treatment approach.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) at Olympus Recovery is specifically designed for clients grappling with both substance abuse and intense emotional fluctuations typical of mood disorders. This therapy emphasizes four main skills: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. DBT is invaluable for individuals who struggle with self-destructive behaviors or who have historically had difficulties managing intense emotions. Through DBT, clients develop robust skills that enhance emotional stability and improve their interpersonal relationships, addressing the complexities inherent in their recovery journey.

EMDR Therapy

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy is a transformative approach used at Olympus Recovery to help clients who have experienced traumatic events that contribute to their substance abuse and mental health disorders. By processing these traumas in a controlled, safe setting, EMDR therapy significantly alleviates the psychological stressors associated with past experiences, facilitating profound and lasting recovery. This technique is critical for those whose addiction is linked to past trauma, helping them move forward into healing.

Experiential Therapy

Experiential Therapy at Olympus Recovery involves engaging in activities that help clients express and explore hidden emotions and conflicts. This therapy includes creative and physical tasks such as role-playing, arts and crafts, music therapy, and more. By doing so, clients connect more deeply with their inner selves through direct experience rather than traditional talk therapy alone. These activities are integral in helping individuals uncover and address the underlying issues related to their addiction and mental health, fostering personal growth and recovery.

First Responder and Veteran Care

At Olympus Recovery, we recognize first responders and veterans have unique experiences that the average citizen does not. Our First Responder Care and Veteran Treatment Programs are tailored to address the specific mental health and substance use challenges common among emergency personnel and former military members. The program combines specialized therapies and support groups that focus on stress management, trauma-related issues, and building resilience, ensuring that those who serve our communities receive the dedicated support they need.

Holistic Healing and Community Support

Our holistic approach at Olympus Recovery, a leading addiction and mental health treatment center, encompasses more than traditional therapy; it focuses on nutrition, physical health, and community engagement. We support the whole person—mind, body, and spirit. Our programs integrate nutrition guidance, fitness routines, and community-building activities that enhance well-being. This comprehensive approach ensures that recovery extends beyond our facility, supporting lifelong health and sobriety.

patient undergoing treatment for depression and substance abuse

Make Treatment Affordable With Insurance

Navigating the financial aspects of treatment can be challenging. At Olympus Recovery, we believe that financial constraints should not prevent anyone from accessing high-quality care for substance abuse and mental health disorders. We work with various insurance providers to make dual diagnosis treatment more accessible and affordable.

Understanding your available coverage can significantly ease the process of getting started with the necessary treatment. Olympus Recovery accepts most major insurance plans, and our experienced staff is here to help you understand and maximize your benefits. We handle the verification process swiftly and confidentially, ensuring you can focus on your recovery without unnecessary stress.

Verify Your Insurance Coverage Today

Start Your Journey Toward Healing Today

Are you ready to embark on the journey to recovery from drug or alcohol addiction and depression? At Olympus Recovery, a mental health and drug addiction treatment center in Delray Beach, we’re dedicated to supporting you every step toward achieving mental health and sobriety. Contact us today to schedule a personalized consultation with one of our experts. Our compassionate team will discuss your unique needs, explore various treatment options, and create a tailored treatment plan.


Start a new journey!

For immediate help call us confidentially at (866) 305-7134. Our admissions specialists can answer all your questions, and put you on the road to recovery.