

If you or someone you love is looking for a rehab that accepts Zelis mental health insurance, contact us today at 866-305-7134 to have our team run a confidential, no-cost verification of your benefits, or by CLICKING HERE to complete our insurance form.

At Olympus Recovery, our goal is to help you find your way back to the solace of a quiet mind and a peaceful life. We want to help you rediscover yourself.

An inability to pay for mental health services should never be a barrier to your peace of mind, and that’s why we partner with several insurance companies to help meet the costs of mental health care.

Do you have Zelis Insurance? If you’re unsure what’s covered with Zelis mental health rehab insurance, contact Olympus Recovery’s caring specialists at Olympus Recovery at 866-305-7134.

woman with mental illness undergoing therapy

What Is Zelis Mental Health Rehab Insurance?

Zelis (formerly Stratose) is a healthcare and financial technology company that partners with an extensive network of more than 750 insurance companies and over 350,000 healthcare providers across the nation.

While Zelis is not a healthcare insurance provider and does not process or pay claims directly for mental health treatment, it plays a crucial role in making claim payment recommendations and providing analytical services for healthcare claims. This service ensures solutions that cut costs while benefiting both providers and patients.

Understanding Mental Health Issues

Mental health is as crucial as physical health, impacting every aspect of an individual’s life. Proper healthcare coverage through Zelis mental health rehab ensures that individuals have access to the necessary treatments and therapies that foster overall well-being and boost their quality of life. But an understanding of the underlying reasons for a person’s mental health challenges is the first step—why do some people struggle with their mental health, and what types of challenges might they face?

Mental health disorders vary widely, but some of the most common include:

  • Depression: A mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest in things, people, places, or activities the individual once enjoyed.
  • Anxiety: Involves excessive worry and fear that can affect an individual’s ability to carry out typical daily activities.
  • Bipolar disorder: Causes extreme mood swings that can include incredibly emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and stark lows (depression).
  • PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder): A condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event at some point in life. Some individuals with PTSD have carried its weight since childhood—a condition known as Childhood Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or C-PTSD.

Mental health issues can profoundly impact daily life, affecting personal relationships, social interactions, and professional life. Addressing these issues and working through their root causes is the key to living a more balanced and fulfilling life.

olympus recovery insurance

Zelis Mental Health Rehab Insurance Coverage

While Zelis itself does not cover mental health services, it connects patients with a network of healthcare providers, clinics, hospitals, and treatment centers, including those specializing in mental health.

Zelis facilitates access to these providers, ensuring that patients receive necessary care and that insurance companies meet patient coverage expectations and make prompt payments to providers.

Other considerations include:

  • Eligibility: Patients need to check with their primary healthcare provider or specialist to determine if they are part of the Zelis network.
  • Enrollment: You can verify your provider’s membership on the Zelis platform via the provider lookup tools and medical referral services offered by Zelis.
  • Limitations: Zelis is not an insurance provider.
  • Exclusions: Coverage specifics such as non-covered treatments and other limitations depend on an individual’s primary healthcare insurance plan.

That said, some of the most common Zelis mental health rehab and insurance coverage exclusions can include certain types of therapies, experimental treatments, or services obtained from providers that are not in-network with your insurance provider.

Understanding the limitations of your specific health insurance helps Olympus Recovery effectively create your treatment plan.

4 Benefits of Choosing Olympus Recovery

There are multiple advantages of choosing to seek mental health care through Olympus Recovery, including:

1. Comprehensive Care

Olympus Recovery provides a wide range of mental health services designed to meet the diverse needs of patients. From initial assessments to personalized treatment plans, the facility ensures holistic care.

2. Personalized Treatment Plans

The compassionate team of specialists at Olympus Recovery comprises experienced professionals specializing in mental health care. Each treatment plan is tailored to the individual’s unique needs, lifestyle, and other variables, ensuring effective and personalized care.

3. Holistic Approach

Olympus Recovery integrates traditional therapies with holistic treatments, such as mindfulness, yoga, and nutritional counseling, to address the mind, body, and spirit.

4. Accreditations

Olympus Recovery holds several notable accreditations that underscore its commitment to providing high-quality care. Our primary accreditations include:

  • The Joint Commission (JCAHO): Olympus Recovery is accredited by The Joint Commission, the nation’s oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting body in healthcare. Achieving this accreditation means our team and facilities have met rigorous performance standards and that we’re committed to continuous improvement in healthcare quality and patient safety.
  • Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA): This state agency oversees health facilities in Florida to ensure they meet specific health and safety standards. Licensure from AHCA means Olympus Recovery complies with state regulations and provides a safe treatment environment.
  • Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF): We are also licensed by the Florida DCF, which focuses on protecting vulnerable populations and promoting recovery and resiliency. This accreditation further validates our ability to provide effective treatments for mental health issues as part of a patient’s treatment plan when facing dual diagnoses.

Contact Olympus Recovery to learn more.

therapist and patient discussing Zelis mental health rehab coverage

How to Use Zelis Insurance at Olympus Recovery

Securing payment through Zelis mental health rehab at Olympus Recovery requires a few steps, including:

  • Verification of insurance benefits
  • Verification that the chosen healthcare provider is in-network with Zelis
  • Authorization of services
  • Understanding the cost of services
  • Setting up payment information

To use Zelis’ network services at Olympus Recovery, patients should verify that their current healthcare provider is part of the Zelis network. This involves using the provider lookup tool and gaining authorization for treatment as required by their primary insurance plan.

Understanding the costs of various treatments, the portion of services covered and not covered by your specific insurance, and the payment options available to you is an important part of starting treatment.

While Zelis mental health rehab network providers cover a significant portion of treatment costs, you may still have co-pays or deductibles that you must meet. We will give you detailed treatment cost information at your initial appointment, as well as go over some flexible payment options to help you manage expenses and begin treatment as soon as possible.

Olympus Recovery is a member of the Zelis network. Contact us here on the website or give us a call at 866-305-7134 to learn how you can begin treatment and start your journey to mental wellness.

What Is a Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis, also known as co-occurring disorders, refers to the condition of having both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder simultaneously. This means that an individual is dealing with both mental health issues (such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or PTSD) and substance abuse problems (such as alcohol or drug addiction) at the same time.

Olympus Recovery treats mental health issues that stem from the use or abuse of substances. Some important aspects of a dual diagnosis include:

  • Related conditions: Mental health disorders and substance use disorders often influence each other. For instance, someone with depression may use alcohol to self-medicate, which can worsen the depression over time and lead to dependency on alcohol.
  • Treatment complexities: Treating individuals with a dual diagnosis is more complex than treating just one of these issues. Effective treatment requires an integrated approach that addresses both mental health and substance use disorders simultaneously.
  • Higher risk factors: People with dual diagnoses are at a higher risk of experiencing severe symptoms and complications. They may have a higher likelihood of experiencing relapses and face more significant challenges in their recovery journey, which is why we’re so invested in helping cure mental health challenges, one heart and mind at a time.
  • Comprehensive treatment plans: Effective dual diagnosis treatment often involves a combination of therapies, including medication, psychotherapy, behavioral therapies, and support groups.

Your treatment team must tailor your treatment plan according to the underlying causes of your dual diagnosis so your team can address both disorders at the same time. Understanding what has caused a dual diagnosis and addressing those factors is fundamental for recovery.

Untreated co-occurring disorders can lead to severe consequences, including worsening mental health issues, relapse, legal problems, relationship issues, and an overall diminished quality of life.

olympus recovery insurance

Zelis Mental Health Rehab Treatment at Olympus Recovery

At Olympus Recovery, the approach to treating dual diagnosis involves a comprehensive, integrated treatment plan. This includes personalized therapies and ongoing support to ensure that the mental health disorder (and the co-occurring disorder that led to the dual diagnosis) are effectively managed.

For more information about dual diagnosis and the treatment options available:

For more information, to verify your insurance benefits, or to schedule an appointment, contact Olympus Recovery online or call us at 866-305-7134.


What mental health conditions does Zelis insurance cover?

Zelis is not insurance. However, the insurance companies partnered with Zelis cover a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and PTSD.

How do I verify my Zelis insurance for mental health treatment?

You can verify your mental health care insurance by contacting your insurance provider or the admissions team at Olympus Recovery, who will be happy to assist you with the verification process.

How can I schedule an appointment with Olympus Recovery using Zelis insurance?

You can schedule an appointment with Olympus Recovery by contacting us online or by calling our compassionate treatment professionals at 866-305-7134. Our team can guide you through the process, answer any insurance-related questions, and help you learn how to navigate the Zelis platform.


Start a new journey!

For immediate help call us confidentially at (866) 305-7134. Our admissions specialists can answer all your questions, and put you on the road to recovery.