

If you or someone you love is looking for a rehab that accepts Tricare East mental health insurance, contact us today at 866-305-7134 to have our team run a confidential, no-cost verification of your benefits, or by CLICKING HERE to complete our insurance form.

When you’re dealing with the challenges of substance use, it’s very common to find that your mental health is impacted negatively. You may have had your self-image damaged or suffer from feelings of anxiety. It’s also possible that your entire situation is driven by trauma, which can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and other mental health conditions.

When you come to Olympus Recovery’s treatment center in Delray Beach, Florida, you won’t find any judgment from our team—only compassionate support. Plus, if you’re covered by a TRICARE East mental health rehab plan, many of the treatment services we provide will be included in that coverage.

The legs of a person standing next to an army-issue bag, boots, and an American flag, possibly a veteran who could benefit from mental health care.

Why Our Mental Health Treatment and Support Functions Stand Out

Here at Olympus Recovery, we offer a trauma-focused approach to dual diagnosis and treatment that looks at discovering and managing the root causes of concurrent mental health conditions. Our expert teams can assess and treat:

Because health is always multi-faceted, we’re proud to provide clients with the best in mental health treatment and recovery plans. We have a unique trauma treatment center that helps clients who are struggling with the aftermath of traumatic experiences, from bereavement to abuse. Whatever has happened in your life, our team is ready to show you that you’re not alone.

Call Olympus Recovery at 866-305-7134 or check your coverage at our online insurance verification page.

Utilizing TRICARE East Insurance for Mental Health Treatment

TRICARE East healthcare plans are specifically for active and retired military personnel and their families. There are a range of plans, and most active service members are eligible for a plan at no personal cost. Some may opt to pay additional costs for a wider range of services.

TRICARE health plans cover a wide range of mental health conditions. With over a quarter of active military staff suffering from mental health problems, having the right care has never been more vital. TRICARE offers immediate support lines for those in need of urgent care. However, when you’ve taken the step to seek treatment from a trusted center like Olympus Recovery, TRICARE will cover any evidence-based treatments you undertake.

olympus recovery insurance

Understanding TRICARE East Healthcare: Coverage Insights

What does your TRICARE East health plan cover? You’ll find that your TRICARE plan likely covers any treatments considered medically essential and proven to be effective. There are some exceptions, most of which can be viewed on their website.

TRICARE East insurance covers:

  • Any evidence-based treatment, with some exceptions
  • Medication, with some exceptions
  • In-patient treatment for mental health and substance use concerns

It’s important to note that TRICARE does not currently cover any experimental procedures or techniques. If you were referred for a new, untested mental health treatment, you may find it would not be covered under your TRICARE East mental health rehab plan. However, Olympus Recovery focuses on evidence-based treatments with proven effectiveness.

Verifying Your Tricare East Insurance for Mental Health Treatment Plans

Verifying your healthcare plan or any other form of health insurance is simple. You can call Olympus Recovery at 866-305-7134 and talk to a member of our team. Call on behalf of yourself or a loved one—we’re happy to listen and provide advice on what your next steps should be. Alternatively, enter a few personal details on our insurance verification page and discover your eligibility.

Mental Health Treatment Programs Covered by TRICARE East Healthcare Plans

TRICARE East mental health rehab and care covers many types of treatment for dual diagnoses where mental health requires specialist care. TRICARE services fall in line with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are fully accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC) for your peace of mind. Here are just a few of the care services you could engage with, covered by a TRICARE plan.

Check your coverage at our online insurance verification page or call us at 866-305-7134 for more information. 

veteran with mental illness needs treatment covered by TRICARE East mental health rehab insurance

Family Therapeutic Services

We understand that mental health conditions impact everyone around you—and it’s important for you to understand that this is not your fault. When people love you and want to support you, they can feel like they’ve failed or not done enough, especially if you’re going through a highly challenging time.

Our family therapeutic services ensure that your family members and close friends get the support they need. We feel that this is an essential part of recovery, as a supportive home life can prevent relapse and the mental health difficulties associated with that.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Your TRICARE East mental health rehab plan may include medication-assisted treatment, or MAT. Anyone who has been struggling with drug use may be wary of taking medications. However, evidence shows that many medications are helpful for controlling some of the more distressing symptoms of mental health conditions.

Medication on its own is rarely enough, though. That’s why we provide MAT tailored to the individual, always with a focus on what’s appropriate considering their history. For example, one type of medication may suppress cravings, helping the individual focus more fully in therapy sessions. Another type may work on feelings of low mood, as a gentle support mechanism to help a person through a period of depression. Each person will have different needs and our team will carefully assess medication requirements on a case-by-case basis.

Support Groups, Including Group Counseling and Therapy

For our clients with dual diagnoses, group sessions are vital for showing them that they are not alone. Hearing others’ experiences can help things fall into place for those who are just starting on their healing journeys. It’s easier to walk a positive, productive path when others are walking it with you.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

DBT combines several psychological therapies proven to help with a range of conditions. Your DBT therapist may assist you with:

  • Interactions with others
  • Distress tolerance
  • Mindfulness
  • Emotional regulation

All of these facets help build a foundation for mental resilience, which can aid in overall well-being and recovery. DBT is provided via one-to-one sessions that are tailored carefully to each individual. Progress is tracked carefully so that clients can see how they’re moving forward and celebrate each achievement.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Many of our trained professionals will use CBT to help clients reframe their beliefs about themselves and their trauma. CBT acknowledges how someone is thinking and feeling, and then suggests small changes that a person can make to adjust how they think about specific situations, memories, or triggers. Those undergoing CBT find that they can identify and challenge negative thought processes faster, avoiding a spiral into anxiety or depression. CBT can help many clients deal with the day-to-day stresses of life with much more ease, overcoming challenges and thriving instead of merely surviving.

EMDR Therapy

As a trauma-focused recovery center, we employ various techniques to help our clients address and eventually recover from the distressing events in their lives. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) treatment is a proven technique for helping adjust how someone reacts to traumatic memories. A trained specialist guides the client through this unique process, helping to lessen the impact of triggering memories.

EMDR is particularly useful for those with PTSD, particularly those living with flashbacks or night terrors. Reliving memories over and over is exhausting and can lead to other health problems. Once these events are consigned to long-term memory storage, they’re no longer as present or harmful. EMDR is also useful for people with anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and depression. It goes beyond addressing symptoms and homes in on the root cause of the trauma to help you handle it—not just today, but for the rest of your life.

olympus recovery insurance

Start Your TRICARE East-Insured Mental Health Treatment Program Today

Here at Olympus Recovery, we know that holistic well-being means assessing and treating concurrent mental health conditions. That’s why we provide such detailed and personalized plans for anyone whose substance use has also led to a mental health condition. Go online or call us at 866-305-7134 to check if your insurance or healthcare plan with TRICARE covers your treatment. We can take you through the next steps and help you understand that reaching out for help is one of the most powerful steps you can take—for yourself and your loved ones.


Start a new journey!

For immediate help call us confidentially at (866) 305-7134. Our admissions specialists can answer all your questions, and put you on the road to recovery.