
Florida Blue Insurance and Lucet Behavioral Health both help people with drug and alcohol dependency issues overcome their addictions, but in different ways:

  • Florida Blue is the Blue Cross and Blue Shield healthcare insurance plan for residents in Florida. Its in-network partners offer a wide range of treatment options for those who want to start on the road to recovery. Depending on the plan,  Florida Blue can cover the full or partial cost of addiction services.
  • Lucet Behavioral Health is a behavioral healthcare organization. (Unlike Florida Blue, it is not an insurance company.) The organization and its partners provide treatment options for people who struggle with addiction, experience mental health disorders, and require behavioral health advice.

Olympus Recovery—an outpatient addiction treatment center in Delray Beach, FL—and Lucet are in-network drug recovery partners for Florida Blue. Learn how all three organizations can help people with dependency issues in Florida get the help they need.

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What Happens During Detox Treatment?

Detoxification (or detox), typically the first stage of drug and alcohol treatment, involves removing toxic substances from your body. This process usually takes place in an inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation center and normally lasts several days to 1 week, but you might require treatment spanning several weeks or months.

Withdrawal from drugs and/or alcohol can be difficult for some patients. That’s why choosing a rehabilitation center that offers ongoing support is essential. Florida Blue Insurance’s in-network drug recovery partners provide various detox services that can safely manage withdrawal symptoms and prepare you for the next stage of your recovery journey. Depending on your healthcare insurance plan, Florida Blue might cover the full or partial cost of detox treatment, saving you money.

Types of Therapy for Substance Use Disorders

Close up portrait of a young woman wearing a hoodie who's in search of rehab for her addiction

Therapy can help you evaluate and treat your substance use disorder, deal with high-conflict situations, and manage your personal and professional relationships. Some of the most popular therapy services for drug and alcohol addiction include:

  • One-on-one counseling
  • Group counseling
  • Trauma-informed therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Online counseling

A healthcare professional can help you select the most appropriate therapy for your particular situation.

Florida Blue Insurance has a wide range of in-network drug recovery partners that offer therapy services. Olympus Recovery is one of these partners. The outpatient rehab center specializes in various forms of drug recovery therapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

CBT can treat common conditions associated with substance use disorders such as anxiety, depression, mood disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This type of therapy can also teach coping mechanisms when dealing with a traumatic event such as the loss of a loved one or chronic pain and illness. Depending on your plan, Florida Blue Insurance might cover the full cost of CBT and other therapies offered by its in-network partners.

Olympus Recovery’s CBT therapy provides care for people suffering from substance use disorders.

Can Life Coaching Help?

Some people with drug and alcohol dependency issues will benefit from a life coach who can provide specialist advice about careers, relationships, and responsibilities. Lucet Behavioral Health specializes in life coaching and can help you manage stress and other issues during the recovery process. The organization’s coaches might provide you with the skills required to deal with challenges in your day-to-day life.

Like Olympus Recovery, Lucet Behavioral Health is one of Florida Blue’s in-network drug recovery partners. That means Florida Blue might cover all or some of the costs of working with a New Directions life coach, depending on your plan.

Inpatient & Outpatient Programs

Both inpatient and outpatient programs incorporate services like detox, therapy, and medication-assisted treatment. However, inpatient programs require you to say in a facility overnight, while outpatient programs let you receive care at a center while residing at home.

Florida Blue Insurance’s in-network drug recovery partners offer inpatient and outpatient treatment options, helping you discover affordable treatment in your local area. You can also find partners that offer intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) that combine drug and alcohol recovery with treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. Alternatively, consider a partial hospitalization program (PHP) that allows someone with a substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health disorder to live in a home-like setting while going to the clinical building during the day for treatment.

You can contact Florida Blue Insurance to check whether your plan covers the full or partial cost of inpatient and outpatient treatment services.

Olympus Recovery’s IOP and PHP programs care for individuals suffering from mental health or substance use disorders. 

Medication-Assisted Treatment Will Help Alleviate Withdrawal Symptoms

Medication-assisted treatment combines medication with therapy to provide a holistic approach to drug and alcohol addiction. You can use this treatment at any stage of the drug recovery process to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms from detoxification.

Florida Blue Insurance has various in-network partners that provide medication-assisted treatment. The insurance company can sometimes cover the entire cost of treatment.

Florida Blue insurance covers therapy for mental health and substance use

Employee-Assisted Programs

Some people who suffer from substance use disorders struggle to manage their working lives. New Directions recognizes personal and workplace challenges and the impact these challenges can have on wellness and job performance. Its employee-assisted program (EAP) provides you with access to confidential resources for maintaining happiness and health in the workplace. These resources can help you overcome day-to-day stresses and support you on your road to recovery.

How to Check Insurance Benefits and Treatment Options

Florida Blue

You can contact Olympus Recovery’s Admissions team, quote your health insurance membership number, and we’ll ask you a few simple and confidential questions to learn about your specific plan’s drug and alcohol treatment options.

Lucet Behavioral Health

You can learn more about Lucet’s treatment options for drug and alcohol dependency on their website or by calling a member of their team. Find Lucet’s contact information here.

Our Delray Beach Rehab is an In-Network Partner of Florida Blue Insurance

Flordia Blue and Lucet Behavioral Health can both provide you with the support you need when managing a substance use disorder. Florida Blue Insurance might cover the cost of services from its network of drug recovery partners, while New Directions offers various treatments that help you deal with the challenges of addiction.

Our Delray Beach treatment center is an in-network partner of Florida Blue Insurance. This outpatient rehabilitation center can help you overcome a substance use disorder through treatment options such as therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and IOPs. The center takes an individualized approach to drug and alcohol addiction and treats patients in a residential environment.

Do you want to start the road to recovery and overcome your substance use disorder? Contact Olympus Recovery at (866) 305-7134 to learn more.

Start a new journey!

For immediate help call us confidentially at (866) 305-7134. Our admissions specialists can answer all your questions, and put you on the road to recovery.